Friday, August 1, 2014

Top Attractions in Perth

Perth is completely a tourist’s delight. It has something to offer for all kinds of tourists- whatever be their liking. In the city, one can watch wildlife, Aboriginal culture and also engage in a number of aquatic adventures.

If you are planning to visit Australia anytime soon, you should visit these popular attractions in Perth:

Kings Park & Botanic Gardens

Stretched across an area of 400 hectares, this is the largest inner city park in the world. It is home to more than 320 species of plants and 80 species of birds. The park plays host to a number of tourists from different parts of Australia and also world. Among the events organized here Kings Park Festival organized every September is most popular. It is open for 24 hours a day and there is no entry fee. This is a must sightseeing spot in Australia.

sightseeing spot in Australia

The Bell Tower

It is a landmark in the city. Visitors can try their hands at ringing the bell at the Bell Tower. One can also find the oldest bell in Australia here. The Tower has an observation deck on the sixth floor which gives view of the Perth city skyline and the Swan River. 

The Old Mill

Take a tour of history at the Old Mill. This historic building was built in 1835. Though one may find it ordinary, once you step into it you will feel to be in a setting of a different era.

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